I love animals. I could spend hours upon hours watching cute animal videos on YouTube. I have even been told that I should probably just be dropped off at a farm or petting zoo and stay there. And if Fido shared my love for Fendi, I’d say that’s probably true.
- I’m apparently not alone because cute fuzzy wuzzy cats and dogs are still number one as far as content goes. [Mashable]
- Or you could always just use that stray cat hair to build your own Lady Gag replica. [Paper Mag]
- This particular cat (a Sphynx) is not exactly thrilled about having its picture taken. [Huffington Post]
- Sadly, there are still people who don’t appreciate animals. They should be shot. [Huffington Post]
- Who can forget about the original cute fuzzy animal, the mammoth? [Huffington Post]
- Animals aren’t the only ones who are hairy. Check out Bliss’s new ultimate “He-wax.” And please also recall when we delved into the world of male waxing… [Racked]
- And if your man isn’t the only one having a bad hair day, why not try these clever ways to fix your fro? [InStyle]
- Rooney Mara is sporting some not so dragon like hair now. [Glamour]
It’s a hairy scary world out there.
image via Beautiful You

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