I’ve talked before about having my morning coffee and doing a little bit of web reconnaissance. A girl’s gotta know which celeb dyed her hair blue and what micro trend we are picking up next. A lot can happen overnight. Well, part of that is checking in with one of my favorite blogs, RamshackleGlam. Jordan lives in New York with her handsome hubby and adorable pups, but her fun and fantastic lifestyle advice appeals to all girls, whether living the metropolitan lifestyle or something more simple in the country. She makes the everyday glamorous. Dare I say, she is a modern (younger, much sexier) Martha Stewart?
So without further adieu, Jordan dishes some of her best style tips:
Name: Jordan Reid
Wearing: Juicy Couture sunglasses, Joie silk tank, Forever 21 shorts, Foley & Corinna woven handbag.
Occupation: Lifestyle blogger (www.ramshackleglam.com) & host
Hometown/Current Town: NYC
I would describe my style as: Slightly disheveled.
I can’t leave the house without: Sunglasses and a gorgeous bag.
Based on wardrobe alone, if I could live in any time period, it would be: 1970s.
Best/biggest splurge (worth every penny): Tiffany Diamonds By The Yard bracelet (yellow gold with a single diamond) – it goes with everything.
Best fashion advice I’ve ever received: It was actually the absence of fashion advice that made the most impact: I wore ridiiiiculous stuff as a teenager, and my mother never said anything, and let me go to school wearing striped pajamas with sparkle eye glitter and combat boots if that was what I was in the mood for. In retrospect, her open-mindedness made an enormous impression on me and taught me about the power of fashion as a tool for self-expression.
The next-best advice came any years later, when my friend Francesca sat me down and told me that honestly, I needed to throw my collection of cowgirl-inspired button-downs in the trash…or at the very least, please for the love of god stop wearing them in public.
Biggest fashion pet peeve (a trend that just needs to go away): I wouldn’t say I have any fashion pet peeves – I think whatever makes someone happy to wear, they should wear it. Trendy, not trendy…doesn’t matter.
What I would tell my 13 year old self: One day, you will not think it is a good idea to wear floor-length vintage ballgowns to school. But for now, I’m pretty proud of you for doing just that.
Weirdest beauty trick that I swear by: Slathering my feet in Vaseline and then wrapping them in Saran Wrap.
Don’t care if it ever goes out of style, I’m going to keep wearing: my trusty denim cutoffs.
I would love to trade closets with: Jenny in Forrest Gump.
Fun fact: I was once hired to pretend to be a famous Romanian socialite who carried a cat around town and evaded the paparazzi in a white vintage Rolls Royce (with the help of my bodyguards, of course). That was the week I met my husband.
Big thanks to Jordan for spilling her style secrets. And I think I can speak for everyone when I say, we’re gonna need to hear more about this Romanian socialite.

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