And since I’m on a hair kick….
Oh… there she is. Lady Gaga wearing a dress made of… hair at the Oak Room in NYC last night. I mean, this shit is starting to get old. Meat, muppets, neckbraces, now a weave? What’s next toe nail clippings? Ugh… I probably just gave her an idea. Great. So, here’s where my confusion sets in… don’t we, as ladies (and some men) pay good money getting waxed in order to REMOVE body hair? This is unbeweavable.
has anyone realized how fugly she is yet? i mean back when she first came out she was kind of attractive and now it seems like shes just some tranny drag queen with bad makeup and too much bleachin in her hair! i suppose im just on a rant but really….its not THAT hard to be her! anyone can go to a butcher and wear the meat and anyone can mumble and moan to techno, its just that she got lucky and made a million doin it.