I’ve gotten a little poll crazy today (and no, not POLE crazy like the girls of Scores). It seems the ladies of tinseltown have gone a little lock crazy changing their hair color, chopping off length, and well, just looking a little crazy. Behold…
UGH. Katherine Heigl. What the eff? What happened? Something bad? Normally she has such luscious locks but, this looks more like Cabbage Patch Hair! In this photo, she looks unrecognizable to me.
After recently celebrating a birthday, newlywed Hilary Duff is photographed here leaving the hair salon and sporting a new hue. Personally? I love it. I think it’s a really flattering color on her. Lookin’ good, Duff.
Here’s Harry Potter’s Emma Watson making her way to class at Brown sporting some noticeably shorter hair. Um… K. Stew, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Her hair is even shorter than R. Patz’s.

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