Another week, another list. World, you never cease to amaze me!
- Tents on the beach. I mean, what are you doing? Camping or tanning?
- Speaking of the beach- people who walk too close to our towel and kick sand all over you. Appreciate that.
- Fake glasses. You don’t even need glasses.
- Sideways hats. You are not Marky Mark and this is not the Funky Bunch.
- Copycats. I know, I know. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, blah, blah. But sometimes it’s just really f#%*@ing annoying.
- Letterman jackets.
- Naysayers. I say it’s black and no matter what, you’ll say it’s white. It is not constantly opposite day. Cut it out.
- Payphones. Seriously, who the eff can you call for a quarter?
- Dr. Phil. How do you still have a show? Don’t you have your own problems to solve?
- The Jersey Shore cast ringing the NYSE opening bell. Our country is officially a joke.
Have a wonderful weekend.

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