Oh, what to get a dog who has everything? As mentioned several times already, I love my dog. He’s the best. It isn’t debatable, he’s the best dog on the planet. Therefore, he is spoiled rotten. He even has his very own closet. Yes, that’s right, I built my pooch a closet for all his doggy duds (mini hangers and all).
So, what’s a girl to gift her canine companion for Christmas? This year, my little guy was the recipient of a new travel bag. I obviously take him everywhere I go, so I need a sturdy and stylish bag. I’d already gone through two PeTote Genevieve bags, but they both fell apart. So I got him this little bag:
I will let you know how this one holds up. Anyway, this is not the whole point behind my entry. So, as I was perusing my dog carrier options, I stumbled upon a truly disturbing invention. When you Google “stylish dog bags” you may fall upon something that looks like this:
OMFG. Is this serious? Sure is. You can now carry your dog, as a purse! I mean, why not? Here are a few more options:
Soiree Black Ribbons Purse, $84.95
Raspberry Hearts Purse, $69.95
Hot Dog Passionate Pink Purse, $63.97
I don’t know why I’m actually providing you with the links to these “purses.” I do NOT condone carrying your dog as a handbag as I’m sure it falls under some type of animal abuse (and it’sjust plain out creepy). Just thought I’d share.

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