We all have our guilty pleasures and ridiculous reality dating shows are mine.  I seriously can’t get enough.  One of my very favorites, Rock of Love Bus with Bret Michaels, has recently come to an end (tear) and in honor of this, I thought I would highlight some of the girls’ stellar fashion choices.

Rock of Love Bus (the third installment) is by far my favorite!  It is so bad that it’s good. VH1 never ceases to amaze me! They just keep cranking out these genius shows showcasing mentally unstable people and gratuitous T & A.  Thank you, VH1 for rotting my brain and giving me useless things to talk about at cocktail parties.

rock Halloween costume alert- go as the cast of the Rock of Love Bus!  This is too easy. Careful though, get separated from your friends and “Bret” and you may be mistaken for just your standard “call girl.”


During elimination, the ladies (I use that term loosely-pun intended) are sure to put on their Sunday best. I’m especially loving Brittanya’s (front row, second from left) get up.  Nothing says “rockstar’s girlfriend” like wearing a slingshot for a dress.


As mentioned, the gratuitous T & A.  Tattoo on breast = bonus points.  I believe this is the episode where Ashley (far right) freaks out on Beverly (far left) for making out with someone in Bret’s band and then repeatedly asks for a cheeseburger.


They  look as confused as I am about what they’re wearing.


One of these things is not like the others…  (Side note: always a HUGE fan of the visible tan lines with strapless dress move. Classy.)


The girls in their “casual” attire.  I know that “destroyed denim” and denim cut offs are, in fact, in for the summer, but I beg of you, do not cut your shorts so short that the pockets hang out of the bottom.


Hmmm… I thought vertical stripes were supposed to make you look thinner.


This little princess is the lucky lady who won Bret’s heart.  Wonder how long that will last? We hope not long… in the chance there will be Rock of Love 4.

If you’d like to look like the girls of Rock of Love Bus: www.amiclubwear.com

