
Due to the current tough economic times, it seems like everyone is cutting back here and there in order to save some cash. (Especially after all of the holiday shopping- not even the ridiculous sales helped!) However, there are a few things that I am just not willing to give up. Below are some items worth the splurge and some others that you can probably skip.

Worth the splurge:

  • Skincare- You only have one face. I’m not saying go out and buy hundreds of dollars worth of La Mer, but if you have a skincare routine that is working for you, stick with it! I’m a big fan of Clarins and Elemis. Neither one is cheap, but youthful skin is totally worth it.
  • Jeans- Finding the right pair of jeans is SO impossible, it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. There are so many different brands out there it can literally take an entire day of shopping to find the brand that suits your body type. I figure that you can wear your jeans in a multitude of ways so they are worth every penny. Granted, you can get great jeans for less than $200. I have a friend who looks amazing in her American Apparel colored jeans… but I think that has something to do with her ridiculous body.
  • Your hair- I would NEVER skimp on good hair. I have had WAY too many tragedies to risk it. I have been going to the same woman since I moved to NY and she’s amazing. She’s not in some fancy salon, but she is pricey (not going to reveal who it is as I like being able to get an appointment). If you’re not willing to risk having to wear a hat for the next month until your bad cut grows out, I would stick with your tried and true.

Some things I’d probably skip:

  • $5 coffee- The guy in the cart is only $1.50. Tastes the same to me!
  • Eating out/ordering in every single night- This gets pricey. Go online and find recipes for your favorite meals. I am no Martha Stewart, but I can cook a mean stuffed zucchini. Bonus: This also gives you leftovers for lunch. Just a thought.
  • Fashion tops- Sure, that Alice and Olivia shirt is cute, but I’m going to bet you can find something similar at Forever 21.  (That’s why they got sued by LAMB and DVF). If you think about how many times you will wear the shirt (in comparison to the billion times you’ll wear your jeans) is it really worth the price tag? Stock your closet with quality basics and fill in with fun and less expensive fashion pieces.

