
Why Did You Wear That: There Are No Words

By |October 25th, 2011|Personal Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

I know there are a lot of you out there who are still scratching your pretty heads wondering, “What the heck am I going to be for Halloween?”  Been there, sister.  Perhaps you don’t feel like spending a ton of cash or you don’t want to be one of 30,000 naughty nurses.  Either way, I may have the costume idea you’ve been searching for.  Last year, I opted for something a bit different.  The costume wasn’t so much a costume as it was a little creative thinking and arts and crafts time.  I had a striped dress.  I had red shoes.  What the costume really needed was a steady hand and some pancake makeup.

That’s right.  I was gonna be a mime.  Um, hello?  A mime is genius.  It prevents you from having to talk to anyone if you don’t feel like it.  Just pantomime yourself in a box and walk away.  Genius if you ask me.

So have I sold you on this costume idea?  Here are three things you will need (and can find easily).  For the face, Google images of mimes and find a big mirror with lots of light and make yourself comfortable.  P.S. I do not recommend drinking wine while applying mime makeup… not that I would have any experience in that.  Hey, worse comes to worst and you can’t get your makeup right?  Draw on a mole, find some candy cigarettes and you’re a sexy French girl.

1. Guess Kaycee Dress, $89, 2. Banana Republic Knit Beret, $24.50, 3. Betsey Johnson Sonya Suede Chunky Pump, $139.95

You can’t see me, but I’m pantomiming my sign off.

