Why Did You Wear That: You Can Ring My Biel
Let’s go ahead and start off by saying it takes a whole heck of a lot to make Jessica Biel look bad. That face, that hair, that body. She’s working with all the right equipment, so when I saw this picture of her traipsing all over Paris in this over the top get up, I had to hold an intervention. Girl, why so much? At first I just assumed this had to be a costume for some upcoming movie role about an 80’s hair band or something, but lo and behold, she was just shopping at Fendi. Yikes. To be fair, I’d actually like each of the pieces if worn individually, but the combination of the jacket, top, pants, and boots is just too much. I like studs as much as the next gal, but this just seems to be a bit overkill. Thoughts?