
Beauty Buzz: Hide… Don’t Seek.

By |May 30th, 2013|Beauty Buzz|

For years, I’d basically given up on finding a good concealer.  When a not so friendly facial visitor would set up shop on my face, I just tried to blend it as best I could then play a little game of smoke and mirrors by piling on the Benetint and upping the eyeliner.  I found that most concealers ended up making blemishes look that much more noticeable– like, literally making a mountain out of a molehill.   Then one fateful evening before a first date, I peered into the mirror in horror.  I was either growing a pimple directly between my brows or I was finally turning into a unicorn.  Turns out it was the former.  I didn’t really have time to perform “surgery” on it, so I checked to see what samples I had lying around.  Well, as luck would have it, I had a teeny tube of Miracle Skin Transformer Treat & Conceal.  A tiny dab on my pesky pimple and au revoir!  No one would be the wiser.  So, next time another blemish decides to make an appearance, I’m fully armed and it won’t set me back a month’s rent like the cult favorite from Cle de Peau.

Miracle Skin Transformer Treat & Conceal Eye & Face

And for the record, the only one who got lucky that evening was me… for finding my new favorite concealer.



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Beauty Buzz: Quick Fix

By |September 22nd, 2011|Beauty Buzz|


There will come a time when even you, Miss Always Fresh As A Dasiy, will run into a little beauty bag snafu.  As a busy woman, you don’t have time for melt downs- especially those having to do with your appearance.  Luckily for you, I earned the nickname “MacGyver” at a young age when one of the straps on a girlfriend’s homecoming dress decided to boycott the dance (and her date).  I whisked her into the restroom, detached the other strap, and turned her frock into a halter.  Crisis averted- let’s dance!  From that point on, I knew I had a gift.  A gift to share with the world… or at least my closest gal pals and you lovely ladies.  Below are a few of my tried and true quick fixes that are sure to save you from sweating in a less than ideal situation.

Problem: No Eyeliner

Solution: Eyeshadow!  Use a dark shade of eyeshadow, wet a makeup brush (smaller is better), and draw on your very own liquid eyeliner.  I actually do this most of the time rather than using real eyeliner.

Problem: No mirror

Solution: iPhone!  I knew technology would come in handy for something other than Facebook stalking and What’sApp’ing!  Use the camera on your iPhone as a mirror (there is a little flip-a-roo on there that will spin the lens around).

Problem: Bra Straps showing

Solution: Safety Pin!  Okay, so if your mom didn’t buy you those “As Seen on TV” strap converters like my mom did (thanks, Mom!), the fastest way to convert your straps is with a safety pin.  You can also use a rubber band and knot it.

Problem: Horrifying pimple

Solution: Glob of Toothpaste!  Okay, so most people probably already know this- but I swear it works better than most drugstore drying agents.  Just make certain to wipe it off before answering the door or heading out. Awkward.

See, now you will start thinking about what everyday items can be used as feminine superpowers.  What are some of your favorite fast fixes? (We’ve all got a little MacGyver in us!)

