Beauty Buzz: Hair Repair. 911!!
You know I love taking vitamins and my vitamins are helpful in maintaining my long lustrous locks, but as of last week, my hair was looking mighty wonky. I had split ends out the wazoo and my hair was feeling a bit more like straw than silk. Emergency!!
One of my bff’s (she’s a bit of a beauty junkie and has perfect hair) told me about a new product from Paul Mitchell called Super Strong Liquid Treatment, but after searching the web and a few local hair salons, I came up empty handed. What’s a girl to do?
I hit the local Duane Reade (which I now know is named Duane Reade because the first one ever is located on the intersection of Duane and Reade Streets in Tribeca). After looking at the $58 Kerastase conditioner, I grabbed a much cheaper version from Neutrogena at a whopping $7.98. I figured I would probably get what I paid for… but was very pleasantly surprised. After just one use, my ratty ends are now smooth as butta’, baby. Phew! Crisis averted!