Real People, Real Style: Excuse Me, Sheriff, There’s a New Marshall in Town.
This sexy on screen siren is so en fuego, I had to choose two photos of her. Originally an East Coaster, she has now transplanted herself to the West Coast.
Wearing: blouse- Club Monaco, shorts- The Limited, cardigan- vintage, gold lurex belt- vintage (courtesy of her mother, Becky Marshall- thanks, mom!)
Wearing:dashiki- Emanuel Ungaro (courtesy of one of her bff’s), wooden bangle- vintage (see, mixing designer with vintage is so chic).
Name: Krystal Marshall
Occupation: Actor
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and your bag was only big enough for 3 items, what would they be:
- A machete, which I would use to cut down trees to make a shelter, and then cut apart the bag (that the machete came in) to make a fierce leather swimsuit.
- A value size container of Aleve… because cramps will follow you anywhere- even a deserted island.
- A Venus razor. I’d take apart the four razor blades and attach one to the end of a stick so I could spear fish, one to a smaller stick so I could chop fruit, one I’d use for beauty (i.e., shaving my legs/bikini area, arching my brows, and cutting split ends), and the last one is for emergencies. Like, in case I have to kill myself.
Favorite beauty product: Origins “Never a Dull Moment” exfoliating scrub, Rembrandt whitening trays
Style icon: MK Olsen
This summer, I can’t wait to wear: Rompers, jumpsuits, halters, and linen
Style tip for all the fashion degenerates: “Less is more.” Oh, and if you think you look fat in something, chances are you probably do.
Best splurge (it was worth every penny): Marc Jacobs double breasted military coat
Trend you’d like to see die: Peep toe booties
Currently coveting:Erin Wasson’s wardrobe, body, and life.
Fun Fact:I plan to single handedly bring back full bottom underwear. I’m sick and tired of bikini briefs being shoved to the back of the drawer and only worn you-know-when. Enough!
Biggest personal fashion flop:At times, my cameltoe can be offensive.
Well, Miss Marshall, with those looks and all that spunk, I get the feeling we will be seeing a lot more of your face. (And we’re pretty happy about that).