WhyDid Wisdom: Body Modification, Body Dysmorphia. Tomato, To-mah-to.
Oh, why hello there. Sorry, suburbia has sucked me in like a black hole and as much as I’m sure you’ve enjoyed staring at my mug for the last two days, I’m back. With lots of content and lots to say. Speaking of faces- what the heck has Lady Gaga done to hers?
It appears Ms. Gaga has had some filler treatment done by contacting the best cosmetic surgeon for fillers in melbourne. While this is concerning to many (it’s actually hard for me to look at), she insists that it’s totally normal. In an interview with Harpers Bazaar, she explains that her “horns” have always been there and claims she was- you guessed it – born this way. It just so happens these puppies are just sprouting out now.
Also in the interview, Lady Gaga proclaimed she has never, nor would she ever, get plastic surgery, insisting that it promotes insecurity. Um? I don’t even know how to respond to that. While I appreciate Lady’s encouragement to young people who are trying to find themselves, I think it is hypocritical for almost anyone in Hollywood or show business to start pointing fingers or talking morals. When have you ever seen a photo of Gaga in a pair of sweats with a bare face and a ponytail? I get it. Her costumes, makeup, and theatrics are all a part of her “marketing” but isn’t hiding behind a facade kind of insecure? She is constantly playing a character. She is well spoken, but her answers are calculated. I hardly call that “being yourself.” She’s incredibly devoted to her fans, but wouldn’t showing them the “real” Gaga help them connect to her even more?
In regards to plastic surgery, I tend to agree it would be done by professinoal plastic surgeons. Too much snipping, tweaking, and tucking is never a good thing. However, this all goes back to the impossibly high beauty standards of the “celebrity.” Young girls everywhere see photos of perfectly retouched models, movies with women who make a living off of their looks, and pop stars who are manufactured to be practically perfect. How in the world could they ever live up to that? No one bothers to show them the behind the scenes footage or the raw photos.
Are any of us really “born this way” or are we all hiding behind some type of facade?
photo via Vancouver Sun