We take special care to ensure that we don’t scorch our skin in the sun by slathering on SPF. We tote around jugs of water to prevent dehydration in the midst of inclement climates, but what about our ever loyal, very hairy best pals? They come along for the ride because isn’t that better than being stuck at home in the a/c? Maybe not if you aren’t just as steadfast in planning for your pooch as you are for yourself. Here are a few summer safety tips to keep your best friend frisky:
- Ever sear your feet while making a trip between your beach towel and the beverage cart? Well, how do you think Fido feels being forced to stroll along beside you on the steaming pavement? Check out this chart that shows you just how hot that pavement is.
- Heard of a foxtail? I hadn’t either, but apparently these plants are especially dangerous for dogs doing donuts in the yard. They have razor sharp needles that can get into dogs’ paws, noses, and ears causing serious pain. Steer clear.
- Sure, Smitty looks pretty damn cute with a puppy cut, but should all dogs be shorn for the summer months? Not necessarily as their fur serves as insulation. Figure out what the best length for your pooch is.
- Humans aren’t the only ones who need SPF and fortunately, they actually make the stuff for Sparky.
- And just like we are susceptible to heat stroke during especially sweltering days, so are our dogs. Here’s what to look for and how to treat them.

Those days at Del Monte Beach are special…considering the XX trips to the doggy ER. How great to see Smitty in the sand. How Great ! ! !