I realize you consider yourself a bit of an “environmentalist” by not actually having a newspaper delivered, so I’ve gone ahead and collected some headlines to make you sound like that might actually be true rather than a cop out as to why you have no clue.
- There was never a reason to watch golf until Adam Scott. [People]
- But don’t think you’ll get his attention with crafty texts of fake status updates. [Glamour]
- Behold: the collapse of gold. [Gawker]
- Won’t matter to these Apple execs though. [Bloomberg]
- Or Sean Parker’s $9M wedding decor plans. [Betabeat]
- Also making it a good time for $500M renovation of Wrigley Field. [AP]
- Justin Bieber is a bigger dimwit than once thought! [NY Post]
- And he probably doesn’t know what a VHS tape is, but now you can make your YouTube videos look like one. [Mashable]
- These animal mashups should totally exist in real life. [Mashable]
- P.S. dinosaurs can swim! [Huffington Post]
So carry on with your Monday and thanks for recycling.

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