Recently, Cynthia Nixon (uh… Miranda on Sex and the City) revealed her newly shorn head. She’s always sported a pretty short red ‘do (did you know she’s really a natural blonde?), but this new cut is not just short, it’s GONE. Luckily, it’s not cause she went all Britney Spears on us. She lost her locks for her current role in the Broadway play, Wit, where she plays a professor undergoing experimental cancer treatment. Luckily, Cynthia happens to have a perfectly shaped head and the peachy smooth skin that can pull off this look.
She is not, however, the first leading lady to take it all off up top for a role. No, not like the casting couch… Demi Moore, Natalie Portman, and Cate Blanchett are just a few of Hollywood’s beauties who have also gone bald (voluntarily). Again, these women all happen to have the ideal domes to go without their hair. I don’t know that I would be willing to give up my tresses just to play a part, but that probably has to do with my fear of an odd shaped head lying beneath my fine follicles. Let’s just say not everyone has the ideal “bone structure” to go without. So would you lose your locks for a big role?

Finally…something good about hairless heads.