Just as time marches on, so do the lists. You didn’t think that 2012 would be any less annoying than years past, did you? With the onslaught of new reality TV, celebutards, and fashion delinquents, the best is yet to come. Bring it on 2012!
- Bubble Lounge. This may very well be one of the worst places in New York City.
- Rainboots in the airport. Call me an optimist, but I think you, me and Terminal B are in the clear as far as rain showers are concerned.
- Magazine covers that are so photoshopped I have to actually read the headlines to figure out who the covergirl is.
- People who post photos of other people who could look like them (with enough photo filters and if I squint my eyes) and pretend it’s them. That’s just weird.
- Kanye West. Just please stop talking… and tweeting.
- People who think they are funny. Mostly because people who think they’re funny usually aren’t.
- Season 5 of Jersey Shore. Seriously, are we still doing this? Is there even anything left to smush?
- Can we stop speaking like valley girls and using abbreviations for everything? OMG, that’s AMAZE, obvs!
- There are so many problems with this video (and yes, it’s for real). First of which: muffins and cupcakes are not the same thing. (Thanks, Cat).
- ESPN commentators apparently need some geography lessons… not to mention some practice in current events seeing as they don’t know where West Virginia is, nor do they know who Michelle Obama is. As a matter of fact, all on air media personalities should probably do their homework before speaking. Don’t just talk for the sake of talking.

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