So, you know how much I love some good nail art. And apparently, I’m not alone in this. Last year, the recession proof beauty product of choice was lipstick. This year, however, nail polish is without a doubt the girls’ go to broke ass mood boosting beauty product. Nail polish is a great way to give your look a quick pick me up without breaking the bank. The ring finger bling is trending and Emily over at Cupcakes and Cashmere is a freaking nail art Picasso.
So, here’s the deal, I am a devoted Sally Hansen Salon Effects fan, but today I strayed. I tested out Incoco’s nail strips to see how they measured up. First, things first… the sample I received did not come with the orange stick or nail file that Sally Hansen’s sweet little kit includes. That made for an inconvenient application. Also- the strips are all packaged together, so if you were planning on beating the system like Ramshackle Glam (smart lady that one), no can do. Overall? They are basically the exact same thing as Sally Hansen’s version. The quality is slightly less though. The clear plastic cover sticks to the polish rendering some pieces completely useless. The upside? Way more colors and patterns so you won’t have to settle for butterflies or leopard print.
Now, I did apply these babies on the Caltrain… so that may have something to do with the subpar execution. However, I’m no amateur. I once performed a Sally Hansen nail strip manicure on one of my besties in the backseat of a Bimmer on the way to a baby shower that came out quite flawless. So, needless to say, I feel quite confident in my nail strip manicuring skills. My verdict? If you’re looking for something fancy and the your average fishnet print isn’t going to cut it– check out the array of Incoco patterns to make your phlanges pretty.

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