Throughout the years, friends have come and gone. I’ve met some of the greatest women in the world and called them my friends, but the one woman who stands out in my mind has been there since the beginning. She’s seen me at my best and at my very worst and never, ever left my side. That very special lady happens to be my mother. I know, I know, it sounds so trite, but it’s the truth.
I would say, I’m a fairly feminine gal, and I’m willing to bet my ruffled bloomers that my mom instilled that in me from a very early age. You see, after having two adorable little boys, she was overjoyed to finally have her own little mini me—and who could blame her? For as long as I can remember (and as far back as photos can document), I was always dressed to the nines with ruffles, bows, and anything pink. Despite my then bald head, there was no way of mistaking me for a little boy.
While as a teenager, I thought I was much cooler than I ever really was and probably didn’t treat my mother the way I wish I would have. That didn’t discourage her though. She tolerated my eye rolls and temper tantrums knowing that one day I’d come around. And come around I did…
For the rest of this entry, please head over to LuckyMagazine and continue reading. And to make a girl really happy, please take a moment to register and vote for me.

<3 <3 you are so cute in this picture. Georgia love you too and your giant chocolate cakes!
You make me blush. We should probably do a Georgia chocolate/caramel cake recipe, huh? xx