It’s not true what they say. It does rain in California. Especially, Northern California. Today it has rained all day. I can’t lie though. Rain is sometimes a welcome change. The whole cheerful kingdom thing can get old and makes me long for a little grey weather. A little reality. I enjoy the rain so much that I actually waited to go for a run until it started raining. A neighbor stopped me cause he was worried about my well being, but I let him know that I was enjoying the downpour. I know. How very emo/hipster of me. There’s just something refreshing about it. You don’t have to feel guilty about holing up for the day and indulging in a book or comfort food. That said… let’s hope the sun comes out tomorrow.
Bag: Victoria Beckham Shopper Tote, $2,700
Umbrella: Marc by Marc Jacobs Panther Print Mini Umbrella, $60
Coat: Vivienne Westwood Red Label Oversized Wool-blend Coat, $605

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