You know… I should probably list my afternoon as part of the list. Cause apparently, my phone dying equates to then taking a nap… which, of course, negates any plans of working out… So I spent my evening eating pasta, M&M’s, and Sour Patch Kids (and, of course, washing it all down with wine). I’m disgusting and should be ashamed of myself. But I’m not.
- Apple martinis.
- Spiral staircases. Good in theory. Bad in practice.
- Re-runs of House Hunters International. How is it possible that I’ve seen them all? Oh that’s right…
- Fake handwashers. Why even bother putting in the effort to pretend? At that rate you coulda just actually washed your hands!
- Ants.
- Skank stripe highlights. Are we still doing that? Pretty sure subtle is in.
- Mean Girls 2. Did this really need to happen?
- Cottonelle toilet paper covers. Isn’t this a modified version of the knitted covers your granny used to have? And whatever happened to putting your TP under the sink?
- A bad facial. A bad massage. Any bad spa service, as a matter of fact. There is nothing more unfulfilling.
- Chris Brown.
Alright, well, it’s time for another handful of M&M’s.
Go, Kiersten! Everything goes down better with wine.
ain’t that the truth? xx