A friend of mine who also just recently left the greatest city on Earth (New York) and I were discussing the stupidity that we encounter on a daily basis. It became clear to both of us that it doesn’t matter which side of the globe you’re on… there’s always enough material for “the list.”
- People who were hating on the Royal Wedding and/or Kate Middelton’s dress(es). I mean, come on. Have you not one romantic bone in your body? and re: her dress? Smart girl, she’s not going to look back years from now and say, “Drat, I wish I hadn’t worn those silly puffed sleeves!” She is going to be in history books, people.
- At the same rate, people who were fully obsessed with the Royal Wedding to the point of taking off from work. I love a good fairytale, but we do live in America (and there is such a thing as DVR).
- Hey aspiring talent: Taylor Swift isn’t the greatest singer and her songs all sound the same, but she’s pretty. You’re not.
- Family decals on vehicles. Totally unnecessary.
- People who insist on leaving those sexy bluetooth earpieces in long after the phone call is over.
- Five hour delivery windows. Especially when they come fifteen minutes before the window is over.
- Restaurants that serve pizza, tacos, kebabs, and sushi all under the same roof. I don’t trust that. Pick one thing and be good at it.
- Coffee breath.
- Fluorescent lighting in dressing rooms. That’s just cruel and can’t possibly help sales.
- Tornadoes. Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.

Dear lord, the family decals annoy me so much! I was behind one a few days ago and it was a dad and mom and two dogs.
Her dress was lovely and classic and they did a fun mix of classica and a bit of a modern twist without being too over the top.