Sometimes I struggle with the list… other times it flows like the Niagra Falls. This week it was the latter.

  1. Barbara Walter’s Ten Most Fascinating People. If those are the most fascinating people in our country, I need to move. Jennifer Lopez? The Jersey Shore? I hear the weather in Reykjavik is lovely this time of year.
  2. Wearing glasses with no lenses in them. I get it. You’re so ironic.
  3. Stupid bright colored eye makeup. Save it for 13 year old girls, spreads in Cosmo, and Halloween. You look absolutely ridiculous.
  4. Ringtones. I mean, who actually has their phone on anything but vibrate at this point, but really? Sexy Back?
  5. People who overdo it with the winter gear. I’m talking to you Los Angeles. It’s not that f*#(ing cold here. So remove your puffer, fingerless gloves, and ski hat. Try living in New York or Minneapolis. Then you’ll know what “cold” is.
  6. Brushing your hair in public. That’s just disgusting.
  7. Mariah Carey’s Christmas outfit. God bless her, but come on. You’re not 22 anymore. 
  8. Blogs that simply re-post things from other blogs or post magazine spreads. If I wanted a runway re-cap I’d go to If I want to see the new spread in Vogue… I’d buy a copy. It’s called “original content.” Try it.
  9. T-shirts with tacky, intentional holes. Don’t know about you, but I try to get rid of moths in my wardrobe.
  10. Amaze-balls. People who say, “amaze-balls” probably also say “Sunday funday.” Have an amaze-balls Sunday funday, assholes.

