Sometimes I struggle with the list… other times it flows like the Niagra Falls. This week it was the latter.
- Barbara Walter’s Ten Most Fascinating People. If those are the most fascinating people in our country, I need to move. Jennifer Lopez? The Jersey Shore? I hear the weather in Reykjavik is lovely this time of year.
- Wearing glasses with no lenses in them. I get it. You’re so ironic.
- Stupid bright colored eye makeup. Save it for 13 year old girls, spreads in Cosmo, and Halloween. You look absolutely ridiculous.
- Ringtones. I mean, who actually has their phone on anything but vibrate at this point, but really? Sexy Back?
- People who overdo it with the winter gear. I’m talking to you Los Angeles. It’s not that f*#(ing cold here. So remove your puffer, fingerless gloves, and ski hat. Try living in New York or Minneapolis. Then you’ll know what “cold” is.
- Brushing your hair in public. That’s just disgusting.
- Mariah Carey’s Christmas outfit. God bless her, but come on. You’re not 22 anymore.
- Blogs that simply re-post things from other blogs or post magazine spreads. If I wanted a runway re-cap I’d go to If I want to see the new spread in Vogue… I’d buy a copy. It’s called “original content.” Try it.
- T-shirts with tacky, intentional holes. Don’t know about you, but I try to get rid of moths in my wardrobe.
- Amaze-balls. People who say, “amaze-balls” probably also say “Sunday funday.” Have an amaze-balls Sunday funday, assholes.

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