I should be shot for admitting this… but the other day I was watching Married to Rock on E! (I know) and one of the women on the show- I believe her name is AJ- decided that it was time to take matters into her own hands. She is the only one on the show who is not officially “married” to rock. Apparently feeling left out, she hits the jeweler and picks out a rock for herself and starts to plan a grand proposal to her rocker love.
Um, I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news… but if you have to ask… you probably already know the answer. There is no reason that you should need to go out and buy your own ring (not to mention his) and essentially propose to yourself. If a man wants to marry you, he will.
By putting your man on the spot, you may end up with an unwanted outcome. We all know, most men would probably rather remove their own penises before having to tell you the awful truth. So, while he may say “yes” out of sheer horror, I fear that you may be in for your very own frightfest down the road when he realizes he doesn’t want to go through with it.
There are some gender roles that don’t need to be reversed. Just sayin…
So, would you propose to your man?

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