What do you think the actual chances of this man having a legitimate need for a cane/walking stick are? Judging by his douchey pocket square, shades tucked in shirt, and class ring, I’m going to go with a 2.4% chance. (I must also mention that this gentleman was between the ages of 36-42). You can’t get the whole effect from just this picture. I’m sorry, I would have taken a full length shot, but the woman next to him was sitting full on spread eagle in a skirt and I didn’t want to capture that on film. I got off the train before he did, but I would be interested to see how he juggled his coffee, newspaper, and “cane.”
Happy Monday!

juggled his coffe, newpaper, and “cane.”
Learn how to spell.
Hi Webster,
Wow! Thanks so much for pointing out that I left an “e” out of “coffee.”
Hm… maybe you should get a hobby. Oh wait, reading my blog must be your hobby! You’re such a smart cookie!