
Setting the Mood: I’m Missing You Like Candy

By |August 22nd, 2016|Setting the Mood|


Why, yes.  I did quote a Mandy Moore song for the title of this post.  And if you were born after 1990, please refer to the video at the end of this post and thank your lucky stars you weren’t old enough to drive a Volkswagen Beetle or own a Discman.  In any case, this week is dedicated to sugar and spice and everything that throws a wrench in your 7:30am spin class efforts.

I’m not someone who suffers from a chronic sweet tooth– ironic as I just polished off a carton of Blue Marble Ice Cream as I edit this– but let’s blame the full moon and that time of the month.  If, however, you are a lover of all things confectionery, this is your lucky week as I’ve had the pleasure of teaming up with a special guest, Breanne Butler, of ByBreanne to bring you a special How To Tuesday, exclusive interview, and photoshoot featuring her custom candy rings.

So, stay tuned, pause your diet til next week, and be sure to brush your teeth before bed.