Setting the Mood: The Hunt for Halloween
As I sit here sorting out the sordid details for this upcoming Friday with friends amidst racking my brain for costume ideas that will prevent me from running around the city like a true life Halloween nightmare come Friday afternoon, it occurs to me that I have a real love/hate relationship with this so called “holiday.” While I love any excuse to dress up, craft a costume, and execute a theme, I loathe the overall emphasis placed on one sole evening. The sheer amount of pressure put upon crafting a costume that’s sexy but not slutty, creative but not crass, timeless but not trite can be downright daunting. Not to mention that the past several years for me have been the equivalent to not having a midnight kiss on New Year’s Eve (something I’m also all too familiar with). Last year, instead of spending the morning doing squats in anticipation of squeezing myself into spandex, I had a rather disruptive row with my then beau, but I probably did burn a few calories dodging inanimate objects and the crying left me looking like the walking dead. The year before that I had gotten dressed and even made it out the door before deciding to ditch after having spent twenty minutes in the unseasonable cold trying to catch a cab. And the year prior, I doused myself in fake blood to freak out the four trick or treaters who actually bothered to show up at our Silicon Valley doorstep. That’s why this year, rather than gunning for the blue ribbon for best in show, I’ll relegate the heavy lifting to creative accessories because heaven knows I own enough leotards, legwear, and lofty ideas to do just that. So, if you, too, are looking to avoid dropping dough on costumery crafted from potentially flammable fabric, try accenting something simple with bold accessories in the form of headbands, hats, or handbags. You could always make your very own lace bunny/cat/mouse ears (DIY tutorial here).
Erickson Beamon Stratosphere Ruthenium Plated Swarovski Crystal and Faux Pearl Hair Slides, $595, House of Holland The Bag of Tricks, $320, Piers Atkinson Bitten Cherries Crystal Embellished Headband $590, Jennifer Behr Floral Silk Lace Mask, $675