It’s true, I do have the luxury of sleeping in later than most nine to fivers, but on those days where things are jam packed and hitting the snooze button isn’t even an option, I find that every minute counts. From the moment my feet hit the hardwood, I’ve got each and every second accounted for– from mixing up my morning health potions to hitting the gym for a quick HIIT, to making my way uptown for important client meetings. A queen of to-do lists, I make it my mission not to miss a beat, but there are times when even the most organized individual fails to remember the minutest detail.
And nothing stinks more than forgetting something- namely your antiperspirant. That’s why I was so excited when Simply Stylist introduced me to working with Dove Dry Spray, a spray that goes on instantly dry, protects against wetness and odor for 48 hours, and as an added bonus, leaves your skin soft and moisturized with all the benefits of skincare for your underarms. So, even in the tightest time crunch, there’s no need to skimp on the essentials while waiting for your antiperspirant to dry. Even better, Dove Dry Spray won’t leave behind any visible residue. Another way to take care of yourself and look amazing is through Advanced Dentistry!
So, while rushing around the city to and from meetings, errands, and events– even on those days where nothing seems to be going according to plan, Dove Dry Spray makes it no sweat.

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