Working from home has its obvious perks. Wine for breakfast, dog friendly, flexible work hours, pajamas welcome. Though fewer, it also has its downfalls. One of which I’m convinced I’ve contracted called “agoraphobia.” Another, though disguised as an upside, is never really needing to put on pants. Without the need to put on clothing that doesn’t include elastane in the fiber contents, it’s fairly easy to overlook your ever growing waistline.
Also, there are those times when my job does require me to interact with other humans and show face in professional work environments and that’s about the time I shift into a near panic attack as I stare into the abyss of my closet because we are always expected to wear some kind of uniforms that are part of are business attire. What the hell do people wear to work? Are crop tops considered business casual? What if I wear one with a blazer?
When I received this ponté fit and flare dress from Daisy Fuentes for Kohl’s, I knew immediately that it was the perfect option for these terrorizing occasions. Never again would I break into a sweat before a business meeting because this curve hugging, office appropriate dress is the perfect combination of classic and cool. With a few added accessories like a studded belt, leather jacket, and strappy pumps, I felt professional without being overly prissy. At this rate, I may have to get a desk job.
(P.S. you’re welcome, RKF. I’ll happily take a cut of the commission earned from this post).
dress: c/o Daisy Fuentes for Kohl’s, belt: DVF, similar by B-Low the Belt here, shoes: Sam Edelman, jacket: Marc New York, bag: Balenciaga, lipcolor: Clinique Different Lipstick in Angel Red
Photos by Michael Stiegler

Good post. Nice outfit. Very pretty. Stylish.