Recently, I had the pleasure of virtually catching up (as he’s spent most of the summer traveling and sunning in the Hamptons) with my dear friend, David Chines, founder of Copious Row. Having always had impeccable taste and being my favorite friend to “spill tea” with, creating an online shopping destination only seems like a natural progression in his career having a major background in fashion, marketing, and digital media. Below, David answers some questions about the concept behind Copious Row and what makes a truly dapper gentleman.
What is Copious Row?
Copious Row is an e-commerce site dedicated to the discerning man who is looking for unique and interesting items for themselves, their homes, their offices and beyond. It is also the perfect place to find an amazing gift for any man in your life!
How was the concept conceived?
The concept came about because I, personally, couldn’t find a website where I could find different and outstanding products. I felt like the male population was under served in the realm of on-line shopping. I don’t want to buy things that everyone already has. I was also familiar with many international brands that weren’t available in the US and/or on-line. The site has an incredible international set of vendors that don’t have much US presence. I also kept hearing from my girlfriends that they have the hardest time finding gifts for men – another problem the site solves!
The Copious Row man isn’t necessarily just one person. The goal was to create a site that men of all ages, geographies, and interests would want to shop on. The only unifying factor I would say, is that the Copious Row man likes the unexpected and appreciates incredible quality and craftsmanship. Our man is looking to invest in beautiful items that are timeless and classic but are definitely conversation starters.
What makes it different than say, Mr. Porter or East Dane?
Unlike those sites, we don’t carry ready-to-wear or shoes. We focus on lifestyle items, our pieces are not seasonal or trendy and don’t have a shelf life. It’s also a very easy sight to shop. We very rarely have sizing in our items, so there is no need to worry about fit or size. We are also very selective about what we carry – we curate and edit very carefully. We choose the best of a product line making for a great, comfortable shopping experience that isn’t overwhelming.
What must every dapper gentleman have in his closet? In his bathroom vanity?
Every dapper man has to have a great wallet and a great pair of cufflinks. These items can really define a man and tell the world who he is. Although most men are very casual these days, cufflinks can be fun and full of personality. They’re a great conversation starter and can tell a great tale. Your wallet also tells a story – are you casual? formal? practical? It speaks volumes!
For the bathroom vanity – the right hair product! Knowing what works best for your hair type and knowing how to style your hair is essential, it’s one of the first things people see. Dapper starts from the head down!
What is the biggest style mistake that men make?
Not paying attention to details. When you walk out of your house you are sending the world a message. People appreciate a man who takes care of himself and takes pride in the things he owns. Carrying around a 12 year old wallet is not sexy. Using your grandfather’s torn up luggage is not cool. Women love a man who is sleek and put together.
What is the one item that can take you from looking a bit disheveled to totally dapper?
A great bag. Whether it’s a beach bag, gym bag, briefcase, etc. If you see a man on the street who may be a bit disheveled but he’s carrying a great bag, he will still turn heads and keep people wondering.
What must men throw out from their wardrobes immediately if not sooner?
Flip-flops!! If not on the beach, a man has no business wearing flip-flops. They’re way too casual and make you look young and sloppy.
Gentlemen, I hope you took notes and ladies, if you’re looking for something extra special for that special man in your life, whether it be your father or fiancé, be sure to head over to shop Copious Row.

Very nice young man. Good article.