For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
- Airlines deciding to just “cancel” your flight. Can they do that? Wait. I know the answer.
- Unsubscribing from emails only to receive another email to confirm that you’ve unsubscribed.
- Facebook’s new “star” feature where you can be updated of your favorite people’s activity… because once I was through “starring” people and only had TEN marked, I realized that I shouldn’t really have Facebook at all.
- Angry drunk dials. Let’s be serious, all drunk dials are bad, but angry ones are the worst.
- Gaining five pounds being home with mom.
- Having to feign sadness when a friend cancels plans… cause you’re already in PJ’s and half a carton into Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey.
- Receiving an email so good that you are left laughing like a lunatic. Alone.
- Having ten people in my life that I care enough about to want to know every move they make, every second of every day.
- Drunk showers.
- Being home with mom and realizing that your relationship has gone from simply mother/daughter to mother/daughter/best of friends.
That concludes today’s lesson.

This is GREAT. Thanks for the laughs. Well done.