It’s that time again. A week full of things that got my blood boiling. Did you make the list?
  1. People comparing Christina Aguilera to Lady Gaga. Love Gags, but Xtina has been around for over ten years. Come on. No one’s re-inventing the wheel here.
  2. April showers. I better see a LOT of May flowers with the kind of nonsense you threw at us, April.
  3. The Zegerid OTC commercial. I don’t need to see your pudgy white chest. Ever. Got heartburn just watching it. Clever marketing.
  4. Tyra Banks’ jumpsuits.
  5. Tyra Banks.
  6. People’s inability to use the sidewalk efficiently. Again, can someone please write an etiquette book on this?
  7. Oil spills. Ever see a Dawn commercial? Not cool.
  8. Cramps. One of the many joys of being a woman.
  9. The man in the purple velvet blazer who tried to pick me up off the street. See this face? Not interested.
  10. The German Shepard down the hall who licks his lips every time he sees Smitty. He’s not a snack, Kujo. Slow your roll.

Happy Friday!

