I mean, this needs no introduction. You know what time it is.
  1. People who talk really loud at restaurants right next to you. Um, ma’am, if I wanted to have dinner with you, I would have asked. Thanks.
  2. The Bachelorette. Ali, they’re all dogs. Get out while you can.
  3. Tots. I get that “totally” doesn’t have an “e” in it, but phonetically speaking, it should be spelled “totes.” When you write “tots” to me, I assume you’re talking about a small child or the potato side dish so lovingly known as tater tots.
  4. Incense.
  5. Hard drives. Were you aware they can “just go bad”? Oh, well they sure can. They don’t even have to give you an explanation as to why. Bullshit.
  6. Dads pushing strollers and looking at my boobs. Sir, one day your daughter will have boobs too. Eyes up.
  7. Royalty.
  8. Kathie Lee and Hoda. Why do they hate each other so much?
  9. Matching your romper to your car. Really? 35053_412054872049_690612049_5291624_2473754_n(thanks to Mike for sending this in! Good work!)
  10. While this song is incredibly catchy, I can’t help but be disappointed to learn that they are saying “teach me how to Dougie” as opposed to “teach me how to nut” (which is what I originally thought they were saying and will continue to sing). Just one question: who/what is Dougie?

Until next time…

