
Would You Wednesday: Beyonce Edition

By |August 25th, 2010|Why Did or Why Don't?|

This one hurts. Brace yourselves. Here are Beyonce and Jay-Z boarding a yacht in St. Tropez yesterday.


Let’s have a closer look… Good word. I mean, I’m not sure I even know what to say about this one. Nevermind, yes I do. Beyonce (BeyBey), Jay is NEVER supposed to look better than you. How is that even possible? You’re supposed to be the pretty one!

beyonce-jay-z-french-fans-friendly-03Ugh… I can’t look at this anymore. What do you guys think?



Why Did You Wear That: Dear Beyonce,

By |December 30th, 2008|Celebrity Style, Why Did You Wear That?|

First of all, let me say, you are one of the baddest chicks on the block. You know how to work your curves (and have taught so many women to love their bodies), you have unbelievable confidence, and you can sing your butt off (though I wouldn’t recommend it, cause I think your male fans would be devastated). Plus, I give any woman credit who can lock a man like Jay-Z down.

However, your performance outfit last night on the World Music Awards, was personally offensive. Leggings as pants? Really? And latex ones at that? You have just set me back about 1000 years on this “don’t wear leggings as pants” campaign. Since so many women/girls look up to you, now they are going to think it is, in fact, okay to wear leggings as pants.

