
WhyDid Wisdom: Place Your Bets

By |April 19th, 2012|Why Did You Date Him?, WhyDid Wisdom|

james bond casinoI read a quote the other day that said, “The most common way to fail is by playing it safe. ”  It sounds a bit contradictory at first, but may hold more truth than you’d initially think. To learn more, you can find all the information you need on this page. Knowledge about betting will give you the advantage.

After a breakup, or failed experience, you are likely to be barraged with comments like “take what you learned from this and apply it in the future” or “this is only going to make you smarter.”  You probably just want to tell these well wishers to GFY.  Well, as it turns out, as long as your eyes, mind, and heart are open, there actually can be quite a bit to take away from even the most terrible of situations.

After a very traumatic breakup with the Don Draper of Wall Street (or least in his head), I felt wounded and fragile.  (You guys remember that one?)  He was a bit of a wild card and I knew what I was getting myself into from the very beginning, but I was suffering from ITIS (I Think I’m Special) syndrome and took a chance.  When my hand played out precisely the way one might expect I was not totally shocked.  To say I was upset?  Yes.  Hurt?  For sure.  Surprised?  Not particularly.

I sat out a few hands to recollect myself, but the next time I stepped up to the table to play a little love roulette, I opted to place a much safer bet. check out star slots for best instructions on how to not lose control when placing bets. When I took a gamble on the other end of the spectrum (a safe bet) and lost again, it was most certainly a shock. Instead of giving up, because of the difficulties in your betting experience, you must know that there are many different types of soccer bets to take part in. for many of them, you may have found the best for yourself. Probably more shocking and upsetting than losing a big bet.  How could I have been so careful, had such good odds and still lost?  I thought by aiming “low” or being conservative I might not hit the jackpot, but at least was going to win a lil somethin’.  I’d hoped for the best, took a gamble, and lost. I should probably learn more from daisyslots about how to win the bet and stay low until I’m really good.

What I learned from both of these experiences is that it doesn’t matter if he’s the shiny, suave Wall Street type or the disheveled, artsy IT guy.  The big bet or the little gamble.  Anyone can hurt you or turn out to be a “loss.”  Having had bad experiences at both levels has made me tentative about making any decisions at all.  I tend to just sit and worry until the decision is eventually just made for me.  Well, that’s really no way to live. I seen a quote in an article in the online gambling news at EasyMobileCasino.com “There’s no way you will end up becoming a high roller just keeping your cards close to your chest.” It is very true, sometimes you have to just double down and put it all out on the table.

Just remember, a safe bet may be the most dangerous bet you can make. But let me remind you I have never lost on Clubvip777 while  playing casino games.



Smart is the New Pretty: Holidating

By |December 7th, 2011|Smart Is the New Pretty, WhyDid Wisdom|

Oh yes, it’s time to start the countdown to the holiday season.  Along with all the shopping, soiree’ing, and snowmen building (okay, maybe not)- there’s also probably some holiday smooching in the plans.

  • Groupon has acquired OpenCal which will help you to “schedule” all of your impending appointments. [TechCrunch]
  • But perhaps you are only interested in keeping track of the 25th of December.  Here are five free apps that will help you do just that. [Mashable]
  • Facebook is counting down too… but they are counting the most popular status trends of 2011. [Mashable]
  • Speaking of status updates.  I hear you’re headed out on a first date.  Having trouble trying to figure out what to wear?  The new PickWhichPic app allows you to call your friends in for reinforcement (and is free until Christmas).
  • Realize that you hate everything in your closet?  The Poshmark app will help you clean out your closet and make a little cash. [Refinery 29]
  • Hopefully your date is in advertising… cause you may want to avoid dating investment bankers.  Okay, not all of them.  Just this one. [Gawker]
  • You may, however, want to start dating your lawyer. Free legal pads, anyone? [Gawker]
  • And in case your date does go well, here are ten recipes for the most perfect pancakes. [HuffingtonPost]
  • Then you can write a poem about how much your enjoyed your date on Opuss, you creep. [TechCrunch]


Photo via The Art of Manliness (who happens to have a great holiday date list)

WhyDid Wisdom: Stop What You’re Doing

By |August 18th, 2011|Why Did You Date Him?, WhyDid Wisdom|

You know that saying, “those who can’t do teach”?  Yeah, well, often times that’s me.  I tend to have a very level head when it comes to my friends’ and loved ones’ problems… yet, when it comes to my own… well, let’s not go there.  But the point is, I love to help out where I can.  Sometimes all you need is a fresh perspective or different point of view in order to sort things out.  That’s where I come in.  This week, we have a little bit of a glitch in the domestic bliss:

Dear WhyDid,

My boyfriend has really started to take me for granted.  I do so much for him and initially I did it because I wanted to, but now it feels like he just expects it.  We live together and I do the dishes, the laundry, make dinner.  I’m your regular 50’s housewife– except I work too!  I don’t need him to thank me on a daily basis (although that would be nice), but showing a little bit of appreciation from time to time wouldn’t hurt.  How do I let him know that this house doesn’t clean itself without coming off as a lunatic?


Desperate Housewife

Well, here’s my advice and it’s quite simple.  Don’t. Do. Anything.  Literally.  Stop doing everything that you’ve been doing to make his life better, simpler, more cushy.  He’ll notice.  And he’ll notice fast.  It’s a funny thing with guys.  They can’t seem to muster up a “thank you” when all’s running smoothly, but the moment something’s awry they have plenty to say.  When he does speak up, do not turn this into World War III.  Use it as an opening to let him know that you feel a little bit underappreciated.

He’s not a bum because he started getting comfortable with your domestic expertise.  Relationships change with time.  People get used to things and can forget what life was like pre-you (aka awful).  While we’re on the subject, let’s flip things around.  When’s the last time you dolled yourself up and greeted him at the door?  Do you sleep in sweatpants and a ratty t-shirt?  Women are also guilty of getting comfortable.  Don’t worry, your relationship isn’t headed for the rocks.  This is just a gentle reminder that you need to let each other know how much you appreciate one another and that you may need to crank the heat back up.

Sometimes it’s what you don’t say.

Need a little WhyDid Wisdom?  Send your questions here.




Image via Apples and Onions

Why Did You Date Him: One Isn’t the Loneliest Number

By |February 10th, 2011|Why Did You Date Him?, WhyDid Wisdom|

As Valentine’s Day approaches, I know a lot of young ladies (and some of you men) are feeling a little down and out about spending this heart filled fuzzy wuzzy holiday alone.  Well, stop it.

The photo above is a little plaque my mom gave to me after a pretty shitty breakup (see where I get my sense of humor?).  I have never been the kind of girl who felt the need to have a boyfriend at all times.  Hell, I spent most of my college career single (and I didn’t even have Smitty yet!).  I enjoy hanging out with myself and I have dated enough to know that spending time with someone who sucks is more work than it’s worth.  Why would I want to spend my precious time entertaining some buffoon, when I could be rubbing my heels with a pumice stone or watching re-runs of SATC?  I’m being serious.

So many people are under the impression that if they are alone it says something about them.  I have seen and know quite a few people who are only in relationships because they feel it validates them in some way.  They’re completely miserable, but it’s totally better to be with someone crappy than be- gasp– alone, right?

I spent last Valentine’s Day with my dear, dear, TJ Kelly, eating cupcakes from Billy’s Bakery and making each other laugh.  It wasn’t that I didn’t have other offers (um, of course I did), but I would have preferred hanging with Teej any day of the week over forcing myself to spend the night with some d-bag who just wanted to get me liquored up and attempt to hump my leg later.  No, thanks!

Why can’t being single mean being confident?  Being single simply means you won’t settle for some average Joe and are holding out for Prince Charming. Duh.

Don’t let some silly holiday make you feel bad about being single.  Be happy that you aren’t stuck with a loser who you don’t even like.



Why Did You Date Him: Deal or No Deal?

By |November 19th, 2010|Why Did You Date Him?, WhyDid Wisdom|

Recently, a male friend was filling me in on the details of his current romantic situation and he mentioned that his lady love had dished up an ultimatum. Yikes! All had been going well- or so he thought- until she let him know that it was her way or the highway.

While he was a bit caught off guard by what she’d said, I knew precisely what she was up to. Women often like to throw out a good ol’ fashion ultimatum in hopes that it will scare the pants off her man and secure her role in the relationship.

I mean, I don’t want to play Captain Obvious here, but your dating life is not a gameshow, ladies.  Trying to pull trickery on your man isn’t going to get you any closer to the Showcase Showdown and I can pretty much guarantee it’s not going to land you a briefcase full of a million dollars

I have a bit of a flair for the dramatic, so, I, too am guilty of pulling this little move.  My mom warned me once to make very certain I MEANT what I was saying before saying it.  There’s no point to an empty threat. There’s a reason I had moving boxes stacked in my old apartment three months before actually moving out.

When giving an ultimatum, there are several possible outcomes. So, go ahead and brace yourself for one of the following:

  • Your mate will call your bluff.  This is when you better be ready to pony up and face the consequences of your words.
  • Your mate will no longer take you seriously. Ever hear of The Boy Who Cried Wolf? Overuse empty threats too often and eventually you will not be taken seriously. Your words are now watered down and have zero credibility.
  • It will work. Temporarily. When you have to “force” someone to do something it isn’t natural and will eventually implode . Yeah, sure, you got him to stay a few months longer because you threatened to kill yourself if he left, but really? He probably now a) thinks you’re bat shit crazy, and b) is plotting his exit strategy every time he looks at your crazy ass.

If you think threatening a man is going to get him to do what you want, you’re sorely mistaken. The fastest way to get a man to run for the hills is by trying to paint him into a corner. Feel free to go ahead and spin the wheel of love, but I can’t promise it won’t land on “bankrupt.”

